(USA Today) Young and educated show preference for urban living

Educated 20- and 30-somethings are flocking to live downtown in the USA’s largest cities ”” even urban centers that are losing population.

In more than two-thirds of the nation’s 51 largest cities, the young, college-educated population in the past decade grew twice as fast within 3 miles of the urban center as in the rest of the metropolitan area ”” up an average 26% compared with 13% in other parts.

Even in Detroit, where the population shrank by 25% since 2000, downtown added 2,000 young and educated residents during that time, up 59% , according to analysis of Census data by Impresa Inc., an economic consulting firm.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Census/Census Data, City Government, Economy, Politics in General, The U.S. Government, Young Adults

2 comments on “(USA Today) Young and educated show preference for urban living

  1. Sick & Tired of Nuance says:

    Poor kids will have to learn the hard way. Cities are economic black holes of endless sucking need. Therefore, they tax people to the point of insolvency.

    I live in a small city. This year, my property tax on my home increased 57% while the value of my home declined by 37%. About half the population is receiving public assistance while we poor trapped home “owners” (renting our houses from government via exorbitant taxation) are trapped.

    I guess there is a bright side…maybe I will be lucky enough to sell my house to one of these younger folk so that I can move to a fiscally responsible town where the tax rates have some basis in reality. There will be less crime, less litter, less noise, and less intrusive government.

  2. AnglicanFirst says:

    Reply to S&TON; (#1.).

    My wife and I did it six years ago.

    And we left the Northern Virginia part of the Greater DC Area we figuratively taped over our rear view mirror and didn’t look back.

    Our oldest son, who is disabled, won’t leave the area because “nothing happens anywhere else” and has trapped himself in misery back down there.